Sunday, July 11, 2010 (Day 2)

  1. Noon — Mark Murphy
  2. 12:42 — JJ Blues Band
  3. 1:24 — Test Pattern
  4. 2:06 — David Easton
  5. 2:48 — Moroccan Sheepherders
  6. 3:30 — The Swales
  7. 4:12 — Curtis Winchester
  8. 4:54 — Sam Sherwin
  9. 5:54 — Maya Azucena
  10. 7:24 — Steve Forbert

NOTE: Schedule subject to change. If weather interrupts the schedule we pick up the schedule as per the “clock.” In other words, if it pours rain from 4 pm to 5:45, we pick up the schedule with whatever band is scheduled to be playing at 5:45.

Updates to the schedule will be announced in real-time on our Twitter channel —

Pray for sun. ;-)